Estartit Weather

Visiting Estartit, you might like to know what the weather is before you travel.
You can find many websites that offer that service, the main one being,
On this page you will find the weather forecast for Estartit and the nearby region.

The weather in and around Estartit can be challenging, in fact the whole Costa Brava region has a wide variety of weather changes. Lot's of people think that the whole of Spain is at a constant 30*, do they know that in winter the temperature can drop to -5 and even colder. The reason for this is the Tramontana, the wind that blows mainly during the winter time. It blows in a NE - SW direction, and can be very dangerous also.

"According to a piece written on Iberianature, when the Tramontana blows, on the first day children are giddy, after ten days adults have had enough, and even murder rates and suicides in animals and humans have been known to rise"